South America is the fourth largest continent globally; it covers an area of 17,840,000 square kilometres and includes twelve sovereign states, two dependant territories and one internal territory. South America is well known for its colonial splendour, big cities, ancient ruins, beaches, dramatic scenery and festivals; it’s also known for its incredible shooting opportunities. The countries of Argentina and Uruguay are top of many bucket lists, and every year, they attract thousands of travelling hunters from all around the world.
Ducks, Pheasants, Perdiz and Pidgeons, and a whole host of bigger game are all viable quarry, but Dove shooting in South America is undoubtedly the main draw. The Eared Dove is a resident breeder throughout South America, and it’s believed that over 32 million of these little birds are present in and around the fields of Córdoba in northern Argentina. Their flight is high, fast, and direct, and they provide one of the greatest but most rewarding challenge for the travelling guns visiting the continent. Cordoba is one of the most famous destinations for wing shooting and is often referred to as the Dove shooting capital of the world.
It’s not just Doves that South America is famous for, though, as the continent is also well known for its fantastic Duck shooting. Depending on the time of year and season, over 13 different species are present and a viable target for hunters. In Argentina, the provinces of La Pampa in the west and Entre Rios in the south offer some of the best sport.
Along with Argentina, Uruguay is one of the most popular shooting holiday destinations in South America. It boasts some unique wing shooting, and here the hunter can enjoy the pursuits of an uplands field, a great duck hunt on the lower wetlands or marshes and an incredible Dove hunt all on the same day.
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