Water Conditions: Water Level very low dropping very slow now.
Weather Conditions: All beautiful weather with some hot days about 35-38c.

Fishing conditions:
Week 6 of the season we hosted a group from Venezuela, super nice anglers and they put in the work to land some really nice fish.
Highlights this week: 220 cm fish land by Jesus and also some nice fish land by Jose on his fist fly fishing trip ever.
We hosted this group in Kendjam last year and it was just great to see them getting addicted to jungle fishing.

Fishing stats:
Anglers: 8
Total number of fish landed in the week – 32
Biggest fish landed in the week – 220 cm
If you would like to learn how you can join our fantastic Aripaima fly fishing destination you can visit the full tour page here on our website. If you would like to speak to a member of our fly fishing team you can contact them by calling 01603 407596 or by emailing them directly at info@sportquestholdays.com.