Finally, spring has come to us in Northern Norway, later than usual but still welcomed! On Thursday, we met the week’s guests at the pier at 06:30, where about half of us were ready for a long trip to the “LIVING ROOM” and the rest who would fish in the local area. This long trip that we now offer our guests is absolutely fantastic time and time again, it shows its potential with incredibly large Halibut up to 190cm and this time was no exception! But I think we start the day in the right order, we hear Alex shout out to the other boats that we were at the intended fishing area, all other boats spread out and will just drop their baits when alex calls out on the radio that they hooked a good fish during a drop… talk about incredible!

I (Daniel) tell my guests in my boat to crank up when in my opinion the drift was a little wrong, but halfway up it goes off for Bram who made his first trip up here in Norway and he casts a strange look at me with the attitude that something is just wrong… I laugh and tell him that he has Halibut on and that the others can continue to crank up while I assist him. The fish runs a real crazy ripple followed by some really good head shakes and a couple of sweaty “beginners” minutes later I can land Bram’s first Halibut at 120 what an incredibly wonderful feeling! The drift after that, unfortunately, one of the guys in my boat became far too seasick to continue with the fishing that was far out on the open sea and we handed over the torch to the other boat teams.

When we are on our way inland, we hear how Alex reports 3 Halibut in a nice food size followed by one of the other boats that reported a bunch of 120cm fish! But on the way back, after a while of fishing, we were still able to sum up to 9 landed Halibut between 100-110cm, a really good start on the 10 meters shallow water!

Again back to the long trip where the fine fish set continues. But food fish were not really the target and after a while boat 11 moves a little further away from the other boats and a few hours later they can tell that they have landed a monster. Alex answers the radio and asks how big it is and all they get is that it is absolutely huge! Alex speeds up to them to take pictures and assist in photographing and measuring the fish, once in place Alex is filled with complete joy, without bringing out the ruler he can see that this Halibut is well over 2m! With perfect weather and the guests with the angler, Henrik, can be proud of 2 fish over two meters at the camp this year and a new year best on Å at a magical 223cm! Congratulations Henrik from all of us at NSA!

In addition to this magical fish, the boats together could report a bunch of nice Halibut and a bunch of really big Cod with 16 kilos as the top! It really is a fantastic feeling you get from this long trip, the area is gigantic and the possibilities are endless! If the weather and wind open up to go there, do it, you never know who is hooking the next monster in the relatively unexplored areas! We would like to warmly welcome all future guests to our long trip called “LIVING ROOM”!
If you, like many others, have ever dreamt about fishing the prolific waters of Å on the Lofoten Islands and would like to know more information on how you can join us, you can contact our sea fishing specialist, Paul Stevens, on 01603 407596 or email at