Seven guests from the UK and Ireland joined forces to tally up the species and numbers as best they could for week three of fishing on Farquhar.
Day one proved fruitful right away and several guests walked away having caught decent fish at the end of it. Nick and Harry both landed their first GTs for the trip and Bill showed off a little, having caught two by the end of the day. Niall added the variety to the mix and landed a beautiful Moustache Triggerfish.

Day two was the day of the GTs with many being spotted and good numbers being landed. Greg, Nick, Bill and Harry all added GTs to their lists, while William who had been quiet on the first day, came back with a vengeance and landed two GTs. The angler of the day was Niall, who teamed up with guide Yousef and caught himself three GTs.
The momentum rolled over into day three with Dan, Bill and Harry all landing another GT each. Niall was top of the leaderboard once more for the day and landed himself two beautiful GTs. The diverse atoll offered up another Moustache Triggerfish, this time for William to end off another day of solid fishing.

The GTs kept coming on day four, with Greg and Dan both landing a fish each and Niall another two. Harry took the angler of the day though, landing a solid 100cm GT. Guide Gerry had spotted a solid fish and positioned the boat nicely for Harry to have a decent shot, with only a strip or two the GT lit up and engulfed the fly, but continued to swim directly at the boat after eating the fly. No tension was met for a while and it seemed that maybe the fish had spat the fly out already, but Harry persistently stripped until tension was once again gained. As soon as he came tight with the fish, it took off on a blistering run that GTs are famous for. After some drag tightening and tugging the 100 cm fish was landed.

Day five brought diversity to the week and a mixed bag of catches were celebrated during the evening’s traditional bell ringing ceremony. Nick managed to land himself another GT. Niall continued with his fish whispering ways and landed another four GTs! Harry, teamed with guide Bailey, and managed to land himself another GT, but sweeter still he also managed to land a sizeable Bumphead Parrotfish before the day was over. A phenomenal week for Harry so far! Also coming home having had a fantastic day was Dan who caught a GT, a beautiful Bonefish and the cherry on top was the 50 cm Yellowmargin Triggerfish, making it a flats slam, and the first for the week.

The final day of the week saw some tough weather, but Greg, Niall and Nick stuck it out through the ominous clouds and shifting wind conditions to each land a GT to end their trip to Farquhar!
Tight lines, Blue Safari Fly Fishing
If you would like to know more about the fantastic fishing opportunities on offer on Farquhar Atoll, you can contact our saltwater fly fishing expert Peter Collingsworth on 01603 407596 or via email at He would love to speak with you.