Six weeks into the season and another ten anglers arrived at Farquhar with high expectations that were soon to be exceeded.
The week started off perfectly with several amazing catches, of an array of species. Five GTs were landed by the team, with Matt stealing the GT show landing his first ever GT at a whoppingg 111 cm. While waiting for a squall to pass, guide Yousuf, positioned the boat in a prime spot to intercept big fish on the pushing tide. As the squall passed and visibility improved, three large fish appeared near the boat. Matt laid out a short cast at the shoal and much to everyone’s surprise the fish engulfed the fly boatside. After an epic tug of war and some entangled backing, Youssie finally netted the stocky specimen.

The host for the week, Ian, also had a memorable opening day, landing a Yellowmargin Triggerfish that has been on his fishing bucket list for some time. It measured in at 53 cm, a trophy by all standards! The Trigger was caught on his Bumphead Parrotfish setup with an oversize merkin, proving that when a Trigger wants to eat, it will without hesitation. Rob was on the same boat as Ian, who was having a go at some of the bumphead parrotfish that the atoll is so well-known for. After a few failed attempts as passing shoals, he landed himself one of Farquhar’s prehistoric looking fish.
Farquhar is known for its diversity and bluewater fishing, with John C proving just that. The aim was to catch a Sailfish but instead of a Sailfish coming up on the teaser a massive Dogtooth Tuna smashed the teaser several times. As soon as the teaser was wound in John wasted no time getting his Sailfish fly into the zone and after a few near misses the Doggy demolished the fly and went on a few massive runs that these fish are notorious for. The fish was estimated to be around the 100 lb mark and was safely released. Definitely one of the fish of the season so far and a fish of a lifetime, well done John.

Ian is well-known for his love of permit and the fact that he already caught a bucket list fish gave him all the more reason to pursue one of these finicky fish. The light wasn’t quite right to walk a popular beach for permit in the late afternoon, so polling and casting from the boat seemed the only option. Whilst polling down the beach, three Permit were spotted swimming in a line and Ian laid out a perfect cast a few metres ahead of the lead fish with his tan flexo crab. The lead fish was quick to turn on the fly and Ian, being a seasoned angler, set and fought the fish well. It was landed shortly without any hiccups, impressive if you know the nature of these elusive fish.

Some of the team took to the surf on foot and Matt landed his first ever moustache triggerfish. On a different flat in the surf, John D landed a solid Bonefish at 60 cm, an awesome fish. The Bonefish in the surf at Farquhar are large and certainly underrated.
At the end of the week, most of the anglers left for a trip to Providence atoll, leaving just two anglers on one boat who had the atoll to themselves for the final day. What a day it was. After stormy weather on the previous day the water was much cleaner and the GTs seemed to be fired up, multiple at every spot. Between the bait balls, tailing nurse sharks and massive shoals of GT’s the anglers were spoilt for choice. Both Dave and Gene landed three GTs each, Dave landing one of 90 cm. Three fish over a metre were lost, all of which ate within a few rod lengths of the boat. Well over 100 GTs were spotted and almost every 10 to 15 minutes was a shot at a GT for the entirety of the day. It was a day that the two men will never forget!
Tight lines,
Alphonse Fishing Co. on Farquhar Atoll
GT 24 (one over a metre)
Bonefish 25
Bumphead Parrotfish 1
Indo-Pacific Permit 1
Dogtooth Tuna 1
African Marbled Grouper 6
Yellowmargin Triggerfish 1
Moustache Triggerfish 1
If you would like to know more about the fantastic fishing opportunities on offer on Farquhar Atoll, you can contact our saltwater fly fishing expert Peter Collingsworth on 01603 407596 or via email at He would love to speak with you.