Yet again, we have received another report from Nordic Sea Angling Guide Calle, who has some very keen Norwegians fishing with him out of Nappstraumen on the Lofoten Islands. With very good Cod fishing and a super large Halibut, the whole group will be left with memories for a lifetime.
I will hand you over to Calle for his great report:
Norway Fishing Report
This week we have had a group of 3 Norwegians who have visited us and what a wonderful week it has been. Many fine cod have come up and are biting this week, even a couple of halibut have got to see the inside of the boat. The largest cod was 15 kg and a couple of fish weigh around 12 kg. Most of the halibut that have come up have been around 70 to 90 cm, but it is a halibut that stands out a bit and it is one that was 183 cm.
It was decided that the guide Calle would guide this group for the first two days. The first day turned out to be fantastic weather and Calle asked the guests what they thought about going up to a place where there is mixed fishing. And they were excited about that idea. When they arrived at the area they were going to fish, it didn’t take long for Calle to find some fish on the sonar. And it turned out to be plenty of cod with average weights around 5-8 kg. When they least expected it, Calle had a good bite on his rod and after a hard 20 minutes of fighting, the fish broke the surface and we were able to secure it along the boat’s edge. This fine halibut was measured to a full 183 cm. After a little photography, this amazing big fish got to swim back to the big sea. A big thank you to those lovely guys who helped me “Calle” land this fine fish.
As a bonus on this day, we saw a whale as we were on our way home from the fishing trip. But when everyone got ready to take pictures, it swam under the surface and disappeared.
Now we just hope we get a great summer and this fine fishing and the weather keeps going. Hope soon that you come up to us here at Lofoten.
Tight lines //
Thanks Calle, and congrats on your Halibut what an amazing fish. This is a fine example of why so many people fish the Lofoten Islands when their main target is the Halibut. The fishing there takes some beating. Year-round it produces fantastic fishing and then you team this up with some of Norway’s best guides and you will be in for a fishing holiday to remember

If you would like to enquire about a weeks fishing for either 2021 or 2022 to the Lofoten Islands then simply call me on 01603 407596 or email We provide everything for you so you literally turn up at the airport with some clothes and we take care of the rest.
All the best and stay safe