The 2024 season at Las Buitreras is on! Our Norwegian group, including our friend Alex from Germany, ventured south once again, under the expert guidance of Las Buitreras veteran Steinar. All of them spent New Years in southern Patagonia, arriving a few days after Christmas and leaving the Christmas spirit with cold European weather behind them as Las Buitreras is now in full summer mode.
The river was in perfect condition when they arrived, just around zero and dropping steadily throughout the week. These conditions demanded our usual set-ups with longer leaders, small to medium flies and floating/intermediate shooting heads. EMB flies in sizes 6-10 were the most productive ones along with the traditional Sunray Shadow Shadows. Daily temperatures varied between a proper summer shirt session and cooler weather in between which demanded a jacket and some layering.

As the week started, Marius set the stage with an 18 lbs Sea Trout caught in “La Curva” pool on the first day, raising expectations for the days ahead of them. Our long-time regular guest Thor, in the first session of the new year, showcased his skill by hooking into a wonderful 15 lbs fish in “Molino Run”. This place is always good for a decent fish, having in mind that last years’ biggest fish of the season (25.3 lbs) came out of this pool. Just a few days later Thor landed another 16 lbs fish in Outer Limits on an EMB. Later in the week, Roger got even with Thor by catching a fantastic 12 lbs chrome Sea Trout right by his feet in Turning bank pool. Not a bad number for him as he also landed another 12 lbs sea-run in Upper Limits the day before.
Jorgen had a beautiful moment in one of our lower beats when a girdle bug fly and his single handed rod connected him with a really nice fish of around 11,5 lbs. The girdle bug is probably one of our most traditional flies and some people say if you don’t want to go wrong, tie a girdle bug on.

The Gallegos River, always full of surprises, revealed yet another of her gems when Bjorn-Hugo fished the famous pool 75. After a couple nice casts and swings he got connected with a serious fish, which in the end, turned out to be his personal best fish at Estancia Las Buitreras. After a few nerve wrecking moments with adrenaline levels spiking, guide Genaro was able to net a magnificent 22 lbs Sea Trout. It was a great week for Bjorn-Hugo, including a 13 lbs from Boca Chica and another 13 lbs fish from Little Corner. Congrats Bjorn-Hugo, well done!
Our first-timers, father and son Bjorn-Tore and Borge, also known as “The Alta boys” were definitely up for a challenge, getting to know this fishery in detail. Borge’s perseverance paid off, as he landed a Sea Trout in his last session, marking the perfect ending to their week as Bjorn-Tore also had a few fish in the books such as his two-fish-session in Zone 3 both weighing in at around 10 lbs.

Our longtime guest Marcus and his friend Tergen truly made the lodge come alive with laughter. Their contagious humor and entertaining stories had everyone cracking up. Marcus had a fun sunray shadow session in Zone 3, landing three fish on the same fly.
Alex, as the only Non-Norwegian, was part of the group from Day 1, always having some of the finest whiskey along with him. Coming to Las Buitreras for many years now, he knew what to do and had a fair share of fish in the book, such as on Day 1 when he landed a handful of Sea Trout in Zone Upper One and Zone 3.
Steinar has been around here for so many times, it’s a nice feeling to have friends coming back for so many years and see them catching fish, something Steinar can do very well. A silver shadow, a type of leech pattern which is an essential fly here, did give him his biggest fish of the week when covering Cogedero. A beautiful 15 lbs sea-run Brown!

Overall this first week of the season offered some challenging conditions. As the week unfolded, the river changed and made the fishing more tricky for everyone. Very clear water, and almost no wind made it necessary to adapt strategies, emphasizing finesse and a delicate touch to entice the Sea Trout in sometimes “flat calm” conditions. Longer leaders and even single handed rods can be a difference maker in these types of conditions, and we had a team that tried their best with covering sections perfectly. This group always makes it a fun week and we are already looking forward to seeing everyone again!
Stay tuned for more news!
Stats of the week
Biggest sea-run Brown Trout landed: 22 lbs by Bjorn-Hugo from Norway
Average size: 8,6 lbs
Our fly fishing specialist Peter Collingsworth has been over to Las Buitreras, fishing the banks of the famous Rio Gallegos many times, so if there’s anything you would like to know about the fishing or if you have any questions you’d like to ask him, you can contact him on 01603 407596 or email at he would be delighted to speak to you.