Weather: We saw mostly sunny days during the whole week.Temperatures between: 25 ºC and 40ºC
River Conditions: Water kept rising during the week but started to drop again by the last day.
Fishing Summary:
For this week, we received anglers from three different continents. They all came in pursuit of the trophy peacock bass that inhabit our waters. And of course, even with some slow days due to the rising waters, they did manage to catch them!
Fishing Stats:
Number of anglers: 2 From New Zealand, 5 from the US, 2 from Austria and 1 from Germany
Peacock Bass caught: 87
Temensis over 10lbs: 5
Temensis over 15lbs: 7
Temensis over 20lbs: 2
Highlight of the week:
Jorg came all the way from Germany to fish in the Amazon rainforest. Not only was he pursuing the mighty peacock bass, but he also took the opportunity to meet the native people who support the project. His father used to write and research about the indigenous people, but never got to come to South America to meet them in person.
This angler left with the pictures, memories, and friendships that he was looking to find. He also now has his picture with a monster 91cm Açu Peacock Bass! This also happened to be the largest fish of the week! Congratulations, Jorg!!
See you next week!
The Marié Guides.
If you would like to learn more about our Rio Marie Lodge tour, you can visit the full tour page here. Alternatively, you can contact our fly fishing expert, Peter Collingsworth, on 01603 407596 or by email at