Our third week of the season started off with a new group of guests, the majority of which were also going to be spending two weeks with us which was fantastic. Not only does allow us time to build lasting friendships, it helps our anglers settle into the rhythm of the ecosystem and experience a wide variety of tides and the atolls different areas.
Week 3 Conditions: Neap tides and south easterly winds

Due to the height of the water we experienced, we unfortunately didn’t see the best of the skinny water Bonefishing the atoll can produce on week one. That, however didn’t stop us from landing some incredible specimens. One angler was fortunate enough to bring a 12.5lbs beauty to the net…congratulations Patricio, that is a truly special catch!
The tricky water height for Bones did, however prove the ideal level for many of the atoll’s stingrays and, with them many of the atoll’s resident Permit. Our guests were treated to some of the finest wade fishing for Permits you could wish for. In total, a total of 14 permit for the week, most of which were hooked off the back of a Stingray. Dougal, who is an extremely seasoned permit fisherman managed to land 4 Permit during week one, the largest a truly impressive specimen which weighed 18lbs. To top it off, he also ticked off his 100th Permit landed on fly…..congratulations Dougal!

The Trevally were also out and about, with fish seen either free swimming or on the back of nurse sharks. Patrick managed to convert one such opportunity, his first GT on fly, eventually measuring an impressive 104cm. Congratulations Pat!
Fish Tally:
- Bonefish x 86 (four fish over 10lbs)
- Permit x 14 (one of 18lbs)
- GT’s x 1 1(one of 104cm)
- Bluefin Trevally x 9
If you would like to know more about the fantastic fishing opportunities on offer on St Brandons you can contact our saltwater fly fishing expert Peter Collingsworth on 01603 407596 or via email at peter@sportquestholidays.com.