An amazing week on the water for the anglers down in the Amazon Basin earlier this week, anglers managed to land a whopping 1013 Peacock Bass in just two and a half days fishing!
5th October 2021
This report was put together last night to rush to the incoming 3 parties of 8 anglers of the conditions they will find on arrival this coming Saturday on our private rivers on the Matupiri and Igapo-Acu Indian Reserve, selected as the best water levels in the Amazon during this week. Last week’s Protec and Herbert parties each with 8 anglers were flabbergasted in landing a total of 1.838 peacocks during the week despite water levels being a bit high.
This last week-end, 3 parties with a total of 24 anglers landed in only 2 ½ days 1.013 fish of which 29 were over 10 lbs, two 18 lbs and one 19lbs.

Stats from the week

Water levels are dropping very slowly as forecasted in our previous report, but fishing numbers are more than fulfilling expectations. The above mentioned rivers are in our South West Zone which typically enjoys low water this time of year (see Rain Anomaly Forecast map below). Fish size should be going up day by day as the last water pours out of the jungle. This trend should stabilize just below the jungle line in another 10-15 days, and peacock sizes are expected to continue to improve until we change rivers towards mid-October (See water level report below).
Water level report on South West Zone

Water levels in the Matupiri and Igapo-Acu continue to drop very slowly, and this trend should remain over the next couple of weeks, as seen below in our guesswork data analysis which forecasts above average rainfall for this time of the year.
Contact us
For more information on our Amazon river basin destination make sure to take a look at our tour page. If you have any questions regarding any of our tours, get in touch with us at 01603 407596 and one of our dedicated professionals will help you with your query.
Tight Lines,