8 enthusiastic anglers
Water Conditions:
Color: Slightly green
Level: Unusually low for this time of year and still dropping

Weather Conditions:
Temperature: Averaging 33°C
Conditions: Very Sunny all week
Fishing Conditions:
The second week proved challenging. The full moon caused the peacock bass to be less active, and with the water levels dropping rapidly, fish were constantly relocating. Both guides and anglers had to exert extra effort to secure some impressive catches. Fortunately, our exceptional team of guides rose to the challenge, delivering a fantastic week of fishing.

Biggest Fish of the Week:
- Total number of fish landed: 317
- Wolf Fish: 86 cm
- Peacock Bass: 62 cm
- Matrinxã: 52 cm
- Rubber Pacu: 37 cm
- Silver Pacu: 40 cm
- Bicuda: 87 cm
The highlight of the week was the remarkable number of wolf fish caught, featuring acrobatic strikes and epic battles that thrilled our anglers.
Kendjam – Guides Staff
If you fancy doing battle with the hard-fighting species of the Amazon basin, then Kendjam Lodge is a destination for you. If you’d also like any further information, you can contact our fly fishing specialist Peter Collingsworth on 01603 407596 or email at