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Å On Lofoten Islands Open Its Doors – Fishing Report

As the season starts and all our destinations open their doors for anglers we are receiving some fantastic reports. This one is from Alex and André at our most famous destination called Å on the Lofoten islands:

The fishing kicks off in style here at Å right now. The cod fishery today has been quite sick!

Wed all left the port just after 8am in the morning with a group of six people guided by Alex and I drove the other. We started fishing in a place about 5 minutes east of the camp and we immediately found lots of fish. We hooked a bunch and had many bites but the average weight was quite low so we decided to change area and hunt larger fish. Said and done so after a short steam we stopped and the sonar showed a thick shoal down at the bottom. Down with the tackle and then it was up and running! The fish were really bitting all the time and for long periods we could not get down to the bottom with our tackle and they devoured everything on the way down.

What a super Skrei Cod
Just what you want to see when searching for Skrei

After a couple of hours of arm wrenching Cod fishing, we decided to try some Halibut but after just a few hours it was too much for some in the crew and we headed for the cod again. Now, if possible, the fish were even more on the bite and after two hours of persistent pumping of cod we give in and drove, satisfied, back home to fillet the day’s catch. Today’s top fishes weighed in at just over 17 kg.

Well done that man

Tomorrow we’ll see if maybe we’ll go to the halibut again, we took a short trip on Wednesday and managed to land a nice Halibut of 82 cm so the big ones wont be far behind!

Congrats Alex

Tight lines! 

André Starkenberg & Alexander Lindgren

Thanks André & Alexander great to see the Skrei Cod are there in numbers. Maybe a future Skrei Hosted trip on the cards. The destination of Å on the Lofoten islands is our premier Halibut destination and by simply looking at our availability you will see just how popular it has become. If you are considering a trip out there then be quick as we are taking bookings already for 2021…… Take a look for yourself at just how popular this destination is on the Lofoten Islands.


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