During the past week, there has been a varied fishing experience for our groups that have come to visit us in Lofoten. The weather has also been absolutely magical on certain days. It has been such good weather that the entire exterior of Lofoten has been like a mirror on the water.
There has been good action with the large coalfish, and they have been of good size too. Several nice coalfish around 10 to 14 kg have been caught. It’s really enjoyable fishing, especially when spin fishing for them when they are active in the mid-waters. They provide satisfying strikes and enjoyable fights. The average size was around 7-8 kg in most of the schools found.
The halibut fishing continues to be steady out on the open sea. With a decent average size most days. One of the days, Calle and his friends were out on the sea fishing for halibut. That day, the fish were really biting well. We managed to land 7 nice flounders with a peak of 126 cm caught by David on that day. All the halibut caught that day measured between 96 cm and 126 cm. We also had a couple of encounters that unfortunately got away after a short struggle.
The cod fishing has been good at times this week. But we’ve really had to search and be patient around the baitfish schools. After much persistence, the results have come. Many nice cod around the 8-10 kg range have been caught. There have also been a couple of cod that have tipped the scale at 12 kg. Additionally, a few ling have been caught as a bonus during the cod fishing.
We thank all the guests who have visited us during this week, and we welcome the new guests who will get to experience the magical fishing and environment that we have here in Lofoten.
Greetings,// Calle and Kristan
If you would like to know more about this fantastic sea fishing tour to Nappstraumen on the Lofoten Islands and how you can join us, you can contact our sea fishing specialist, Paul Stevens, on 01603 407596 or email at paul@sportquestholidays.com.