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Nappstraumen, Fishing Report 4th May 2023

The last few days on Lofoten have not been fun for us or our guests. It has been everything between heaven and earth, blizzard and sunshine for us in the same days. With the strong winds, we have been very limited in where we have been able to fish. It has only been a short afternoon when the wind has turned or calmed down on the North side of Lofoten.

Despite the bad weather that has been, we have had some brave boat teams that have toughed it out and fought on. With the unique location that is in Nappstraumen, which is difficult transport stretches from the camp to the fishing spots and that there are so many different areas that we can choose from down it is very windy for us, we have come up Cod over 10 kg and a really nice Halibut of 162 cm.

The forecast looks promising for the coming days, so we hope and keep our fingers crossed. Now we look forward and wait for the new gestures to create memories and new stories!

Greetings //

Calle & Alexander 


It looks like it’s been a fantastic week at Nappstraumen. If you would like to know more about this fantastic sea fishing tour to Nappstraumen on the Lofoten Islands and how you can join us, you can contact our sea fishing specialist, Paul Stevens, on 01603 407596 or email at

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