Week 3 – Day 1 Nappstraumen.
Today was the first session for my guests of 7 from North Wales, and what a great way to start the week.
Expecting showers all day we were greeted by flat calm conditions for most of the day, and the fish were on the feed, albeit the usual small Codling and Coalies, we managed to find a few better fish between the lads with 3 Halibut landed to 16lbs, Plaice, Dabs to 41cms, and a bonus Sea Scorpion.
Tomorrow we head north looking for some better Halibut.

Week 3 – Day 2 Nappstraumen.
After yesterdays success, weather gods were on our side, sunshine , crisp cold and building tides, we headed north to fish for halibut at our favourite stretch here in Lofoten.
Lads fished hard all day, and motivation was high throughout, but unfortunately today these Halibut were just not interested, a couple of half runs were all we accumulated today. Other than a double shot of Scorpion Fish from Marc, and the obligatory Coalies in close, unfortunately, its all we could muster today, but if you never try, you never know.
This happens when fishing for Halibut, takes time and effort, but im sure theyl be back on the feed in no time.
Netherthess everyone is in high spirits, and we go again tomorrow.

Week 3 – Day 3 & 4 Nappstraumen.
Yesterday we headed south of the camp and split the group of lads up into 2, one set fishing the ledge at nesland and another on the bridge where weve previously had some success.
The lads on the ledge faired better than the lads on the bridge with Plaice, Dabs, Coalies, Codling, Pollack up to 8lbs and a small Halibut.
Lads on the bridge kept busy with coalies up to 4lbs, small Codling, Haddock and Redfish.
Last night i made plans with the guys to head north to look for some cod and haddock on the open coast marks but norway being true to form decided to have a last minute weather change, and blow 40-50mph from the north west, with snow, hail, and rain.
So we decided to hit mortsund again after our first days success, and to try and get some shelter.
The guys fished hard but the weather made things very difficult, the obligatory small Cod, Coalies and Dabs made an appearance.
Half way through the day i got the guys to pack up and brave the bait station to see if we could muster anything of any size.
Marc was straight into the Dabs and Codling, with Steve having a better Coalie on the freeline.
Next up was glyn with a nice Coalie of 7lbs 11oz, along with two missed runs.
Steve then had a very welcome 14lbs 1oz Halibut to finish the day off.
Hopefully tomorow we can head north and find these Cod and Haddock

Week 3 – Day 5 Nappstraumen.
Today with the weather easing i decided to head north with the group and split up onto 3 seperate marks and search for these cod that have eluded us so far.
Turned out to be a good day with multiple cod, and 4 halibut turning up at the time, best being 16lbs 6oz.
We are back at camp for a bit of dinner then heading back out for the high water in the early hours of the morning seeing if we can get into a few haddock.

Week 3 – Day 6 Nappstraumen.
Last night we headed out for the early morning high in search of some haddock from the marks further south of the camp, however someone didn’t tell the numbers of haddock to turn up, with only 2 landed, aswell as a handful of small codling, a ling and a couple lumb.
As usual on the guests last day, i let them have a pick of venue, and they all decided on the bait station.
First up were small coalies on bottom baits and freeline, but it wasnt long before the better fish turned up, with 2 fish going exactly 7lbs 11oz.
A few more of the lads started getting into a few, all around the same size biggest 7lbs 13oz
A few dabs, codling also made an appearance.
This week my guests have fished really hard through some very tough conditions but we landed 9 halibut through the week which is a decent return from the shore. Couldve been a lot more if it wasnt for so many fish being dropped.
They are a great bunch and have been an absolute joy to fish with.
Tonight our John is cooking us a fish pie, and a few beers to celebrate the week is a lovely way to finish the week off.
Big thankyou again gents.

If you would like to know more information about the amazing shore fishing on offer, read our full tour page for the Guided Shore Fishing In Norway. Alternatively, you can contact our sea fishing expert Paul Stevens on 01603 407596 or email at paul@sportquestholidays.com.