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Tsimane Fishing Report Week 5 2023

Secure Lodge

The fifth week of the season started with very good water and weather conditions. We welcomed a group of four friends from the U.K. who arrived ready to explore the jungle and walk miles and miles every day.

We set up a four-day camp all the way up to the beginning of the Sécure River, fishing different beats every day. In all we walked more than 40 miles and reached the waterfall, where we had many opportunities with huge and mighty Dorado on the way—showing us just why they get that big as they won almost every fight after jumps or aggressive takes.

The day we arrived at the waterfall, surrounded by outstanding scenery and having an epic fight into the backing several times, one of the fishermen landed a nice Moturo Catfish while sight fishing in the flats. Also, three Pacú were landed in the pools using fruit imitations.

After the outcamp, we came back to the lodge and the fishermen headed to the regular beats. The lower section was active and we landed Dorado on streamers as well as on mice.

The regular upper beat gave us the chance to get some sight fishing to fish cruising in the shallows. This was where, after a push of water due to heavy rains at night, the Dorado got very active and we landed many small fish and some medium-sized Dorado.

Pluma Lodge

On the fifth week of the season at Pluma lodge we hosted six anglers from the U.S. and one from Wales. The week started with both excellent weather and river conditions, and crystal waters gave us the possibility of many sight-cast Dorado catches. The team was also able to catch big Catfish and Pacú.

Agua-Negra Lodge

Last week we fished with five friends from the U.K. The weather was good from the beginning of the week until the second-to-last day, when we had a big rain that clouded the rivers and damaged some of our fishing beats. During the week we had good chances of Dorado and a few good shots at Pacú, and finally we managed to capture six Dorado over 12 Ibs., two over 18 Ibs., many small ones, and three good Pacú.


Do you think you could handle the Dorado that reside at PlumaSecureAgua Negra and our brand new Heli fishing tour? You can take a closer look at the tour page, where you’ll find all the information you need to get you ready for the trip of a lifetime!

If you have any questions, call our offices on 01603 407596 or email us on and one of our experts can assist you with any queries.


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