The Siamese Carp is a species of Carp like no other, this enormous species of the freshwater world should be a species on every freshwater anglers hit list. These fish grow to a size that no other carp can even come close to and with their size comes immense power that will leave the angler feeling battered and bruised but almost definitely wanting more and more. It is safe to say that Siamese Carp fishing can become addictive and once experienced you will never forget the fight that these fish exert.
Name: Siamese Carp
Also known as: Giant barb, Cahoor, Thai Carp, Mother of all Carp, Giant Siamese Carp
Scientific name: Siamese Carp Catlocarpio Siamensis
SIAMESE CARP Description
Siamese Carp are usually seen in large pools along the edges of large rivers, but seasonally enter smaller canals, floodplains, and flooded forests. and swamps. The head is rather large for the body and has very small barbules on its mouth. The Siamese Carp ranks among the largest freshwater fish in the world and is probably the largest fish in the family of carp. These large deep-bodied fish are normally of a silver/grey colouration and have dark edges to their scales making them a fantastic looking species of carp.
Average SIAMESE CARP size
These fish are known to reach sizes in excess of 550lb but the average you will catch in the waters you can visit is 75lb, however, the current rod and reel record is at 232lbs.
Where to catch Siamese Carp
The Siamese Carp is a species that is predominantly found in Asia where it was known to inhabit the many rivers and lakes of Cambodia and Thailand. To target them now we would strongly recommend heading to a lake that is stocked with them and where they flourish and grow very large. One such lake is the world-famous Gillhams resort in Thailand.
Siamese Carp Fishing methods
The fish in these waters grow very big so the right tackle is needed to tame them, which is available free of charge at the resort. These fish can still be very difficult to catch despite their large size and one of the best ways to target them is the method feeder cast to a tight spot. This will get a bed of bait laid out on the bottom and on your hook we would recommend either a fruit or shellfish based boilie/pop up as this is a proven Siamese carp catching method. You can watch our very own Peter Collingsworth discussing methods and tactics for trying to catch one of these beautiful species at Gillhams Resort on our Youtube Channel here.
Contact us
If you have any questions about our freshwater fishing trips, you can contact our experienced team at any time on 01603 407596 or by emailing directly to who will be able to help with any questions you have. For those of you who want to see some action, you can find a great range of videos over on our Youtube Channel.
Tight Lines,