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Peter Collingsworth’s Most Memorable Fishing Moments

I’ve been looking back over the past couple of decades and reminiscing, not just about the business but about some of the destinations I’ve visited and some of the fish I’ve been lucky enough to catch. So I thought I’d put pen to paper and share a few of these special captures from around the globe, with many of them landed at destinations and lodges we still offer to this day. 

Destination: Christmas Island
Fish: 104lb Giant Trevally
Method: Fly Fishing

I think this could easily be my favourite capture of all time; the trip from start to finish was a special one, and almost all the time I’ve ever spent on Christmas Island has been the same. It’s an incredible destination, beautiful, wild, and utterly remote, and the fishing is something else. We first visited nearly fifteen years ago and were some of the first anglers to fish the flats properly for the GTs. The Island has been kind to me and offered me some of the best saltwater fishing I’ve enjoyed anywhere, with significant numbers of enormous fish. I’m always incredibly proud that we captured it on film, which you can watch on YouTube here. It still blows my mind that the video has surpassed 2.6 million views too. 

Destination: Egypt, Lake Nasser
Fish: 174lb Nile Perch
Method: Lure Fishing

Despite the steep decline in the fish and fishing opportunities on Lake Nasser in Egypt, it still holds some special memories for me. I was lucky enough to fish the destination in its heyday, and it was incredible, trolling big Rapalas over the rocky outcrops and waiting and watching for all hell to break loose as a big Perch smashed into your lure. I was lucky to land fish to over 170lb and enjoyed some brilliant times on the lake; the guides were first-class, and we had some great moments with them. Unfortunately, due to several factors, we don’t still offer Nile Perch trips to Lake Nasser, but we have a fantastic alternative at Gassa Camp in Cameroon

Destination: Caterina River, Argentina
Fish: 53lb King Salmon
Method: Fly Fishing

A giant King Salmon had always been a species on my bucket list and one I’d always wanted to catch; they always look so impressive in pictures. I was lucky enough to tick one off back in 2017 (I think it was) as I was hosting a group of customers on our Glacier Kings tour on the Caterina River in Argentina. We all had a fantastic week and enjoyed some excellent fishing amongst some of the most stunning scenery found anywhere on the planet. To this day, I’m always in awe whenever I look at the pictures from the trip. I’ve always vowed to return, but I haven’t been back yet, hopefully in the future – watch this space. 

Destination: Predator Lake, Thailand
Fish: 36lb Redtail Catfish
Method: Fly Fishing

This trip to Thailand was memorable, not just because I landed my first IGFA record but also because it was social. Back in 2008, when we were known as Angling Direct Holidays, I put a trip together with some friends and colleagues with the aim of showing them some of the fishing Thailand is famous for. The fishing with Francios, a guide we still offer trips with now, was brilliant. We all landed giant Redtail Catfish, Pacu, Mekong Catfish and even Arapaima. The Redtail pictured above was an IGFA line class record; it weighed in at 36lb and was landed on just a 12lb tippet.  

Destination: Secure Lodge, Bolivia
Fish: 20.5lb Golden Dorado
Method: Fly Fishing

Undoubtedly, the Golden Dorado is one of my favourite fish to fish for and catch, especially on the fly. I’ve been lucky enough to fish for them in a few countries around the globe; however, one place I enjoy visiting and that holds a special place in my heart is Bolivia. I’ve run numerous hosted trips to the Bolivian Jungle for many years and still do to this day; I’ve also got a new exciting Helicopter Trip planned in 2024. When I visited Secure Lodge in 2018, I was lucky enough to land my first 20lb fish, a milestone I’d been looking to pass for some time. That moment is up there as one of my favourites, the fish, fishing, company and backdrop were just perfect. 

Destination: Crocodile Bay, Costa Rica
Fish: 250lb+ Marlin
Method: Trolling

I remember this particular capture like it was yesterday, even though it was many years ago and even though it wasn’t my biggest Marlin, it always sticks in my mind mainly because of the brilliant trophy shot you can see above. I was visiting Crocodile Bay in Costa Rica with my good friend Matt Hayes on a research trip, scoping out the destination with some filming in mind and managed to land it on one of our fishing days. I can’t remember the exact reason why I jumped in with the fish or why the cameraman was in the water, but I think you’ll agree it’s a pretty cool image. The research trip was a great success, and a testament to this is that we still work with Crocodile Bay to this day; they are now one of our longest-serving partners. 

Destination: Las Buitreras, Argentina
Fish: 20lb+ Sea Trout
Method: Fly Fishing 

I couldn’t write this blog without including some of the Sea Trout I’ve been lucky enough to catch in Argentina. Undoubtedly, it’s one of my favourite places to fish, and Sea Trout are one of my favourite species. Through the years, I’ve hosted many trips to this beautiful part of the world, met many anglers, many of whom I now class as friends and caught many fantastic fish. I’ve been lucky enough to visit Worlds End Lodge, Las Buitreras, and Bella Sofia, to mention just a few, and I don’t have a stand-out fish but have been fortunate to land them to over 20lb, including this beauty (pictured above) landed from Las Buitreras. 

Destination: Pamana
Fish: Roosterfish
Method: Fly Fishing

Although not one of my biggest Roosterfish, this particular fish (pictured above) is a memorable one, as it was my first of the species on the fly. It was landed many years ago now on my first trip to Panama. I guess back then, fly fishing for them wasn’t so popular, as the more traditional methods of bait fishing and lure fishing was favoured; however, hooking my first one on the fly is something I will always remember. As a fly-caught species, there’s no doubt their popularity has risen, and we even offer dedicated trips to Mexico at our destination Fly Fish Mex in the ‘Bay Of Dreams’, where they are only exclusively targeted on the fly.

Saving my best till last, my favourite catch has to be my partner Tracey, who is Sportquests Marketing Director and whom I run the company with. She has been amazing both as a partner in and out of the business, and we’ve shared many incredible moments together, travelling and hosting trips around the world. One destination we’re both extremely fond of and where we’ve shared some of our best memories is Alaska at Goodnews River Lodge, fly fishing for the Pacific Salmon.


If you’d like to learn more about any of the destinations above or even join me on one of my hosted trips, please feel free to contact me today on 01603 407596 or via email at


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