Another incredible week gone by on Alphonse Island! With a serious case of Permit fever amongst the anglers and guides, this week was certainly one to remember and another one for the history books.
The anglers took full advantage of Alphonse’s world-renowned Bonefish fishery, targeting the ghostly fighters throughout the duration of the week, landing a total of 189. There were also handful of trophy Bonefish over the 60 cm mark.

The finger flats fished consistently throughout the week, the triggers were spotted in abundance and the anglers were met with good opportunities to fool these wise fish. A handful of Triggers won the battle, getting the best of the anglers, cutting or biting them off and running into their holes. The loses made the few landed so much more rewarding, with the biggest Trigger measuring a massive 53 cm. The week ended with a total of seven Triggers, four Moustache and three Yellowmargin’s!

Friday started off fairly slow but Flats Lunch along with a pushing tide, seemed to provide some luck. St Francois showed her true colours, and the Permit came out to play with a whooping 13 Permit landed among four anglers. One of the young anglers, Finley, managed five by himself on the day! A total of 17 Permit were landed, another week proving the incredible Permit fishing to be had on Alphonse during our southeast trade wind season.
Tight lines,
Alphonse Fishing Co. on Alphonse Island
Bonefish 189
Giant trevally 7 (Largest 89 cm)
Moustache Triggerfish 4
Milkfish 3
Indo-Pacific Permit 17
If you would like to know more about the fantastic fishing opportunities on offer on Alphonse Island you can contact our saltwater fly fishing expert Peter Collingsworth on 01603 407596 or via email at