This week held some epic fishing with three anglers out on the water. The weather played to our advantage, and we were lucky enough to get across to St. Francios easily each day. A slight wind meant the fish were feeding happily, making them excited to see a well-presented fly.

The week began with Alan Olivier and Stuart Bird both landing beautiful permit and Alan landing a brute of a moustache trigger. As always, a good number of bonefish were caught between the two anglers.
The fishing just seemed to get better as the week went on! Grant van der Walt managed to get to the island a bit later in the week and landed himself three awesome moustache triggers and of course, some trophy bonefish.

Around this time of year, we start to see a lot more permit on the flats due to the southeast winds that blow predominantly throughout the months of May to October. This allows the water temperature to drop to a nice cool 20-24 degrees celcius, favourable for the permit. A large number of porcupine rays were seen on the eastern side of the atoll where the permit start to sit on their backs while the rays feed and ‘mud’ in the sand. We always get very excited by this as it allows for an easier shot at the feeding permit which, as permit anglers know, is never very often. With this, the anglers and guides are given enough time to position themselves up wind and make accurate shots at the feeding fish on rays.

Alan took every chance he could get to go after permit and with his determination and help from our excellent guides, he managed three permit this week. The biggest was a monster and measured 67 cm, caught between east knoll and pompano channel. An absolute fish of a lifetime! He went on to catch a beautiful moustache trigger, trophy bone and ended the day off with a lovely 60 cm GT on Milky Way finger. A fantastic super slam for Alan, and his third flats slam for the week!

The GTs were also around this week with Stuart landing two nice GT fish. Alan managed an 88 cm GT in the cosmic lagoon which made for some nice pictures in the mangroves. We saw some very large fish and the guys had some close calls along with some epic shots.
Another unbelievable week of fishing out on the waters of St. Francois!
Stay tuned for next week’s report.
Tight lines,
Alphonse Fishing Co. on Alphonse Island
Bonefish 35
Giant trevally 5
Triggerfish 6
Permit 4
If you would like to know more about the fantastic fishing opportunities on offer on Alphonse Island you can contact our saltwater fly fishing expert Peter Collingsworth on 01603 407596 or via email at