Another week on the waters of El Pescador and that means even more amazing fish have been landed! This week even got to see a Grand slam as well as a fantastic Tarpon which went just over 70lbs. Ill hand you over to Capt. Gordy for his words from the week. –
10th to 17th April 2021
Fishing was excellent this week. Our Permit purple patch continues with no less than 40 fish landed !!

Permit are all over the flats at the moment. 20 Tarpon were also landed, and one grand slam was recorded by Bill M fishing with Capt. Emir. We must pay tribute to our incredible guides who have worked so hard to produce these amazing results.
What Guests Were Catching
Good number of bones were caught. Most were in the 2-5 Lbs. range, with one fish of 7 Lbs.
40 Permit were caught between 5 – 30 Lbs.
20 Tarpon were taken. They ranged between 5 and 70 lbs.
Other species
A few Snappers were caught and Barracuda were also around. Several big Jacks were caught.
Grand slams
One Grand Slam was recorded by Bill M with Capt. Emir.
Contact us
For more information on our El Pescador destination make sure to take a look at our tour page. If you have any questions regarding any of our tours, get in touch with us at 01603 407596 and one of our dedicated professionals will help you with your query.
Tight Lines,