The opening week of the 2022/2023 Farquhar season had some amazing fishing, which was expected after the off-season which allows the atoll to thrive completely undisturbed. The most memorable catch of the week, by returning angler Kiril, was none other than one of Farquhar’s interesting-looking residents, the Bumped Parrotfish. It was Kiril’s first Bumpy and the excitement set the tone for the week.
Angler, Vladimir, caught a trophy moustache triggerfish measuring 56 cm. Vladimir shared a skiff with another returning angler, Maxim, who also managed to land his first-ever Bumped Parrotfish on his second trip to Farquhar.
Micheal seemed to reap first timers luck on his first trip to the Seychelles and had some amazing catches. He landed a trophy Bonefish of 60 cm, a Bumphead Parrotfish and the biggest GT for the week measuring 110 cm.
American guest, Ben, who was also on his first Seychelles trip, had an incredible week landing his first ever Bonefish, a Bumphead Parrotfish and two Moustache Triggers with one being a trophy of 50 cm.

Stephan and Marina, as anticipated, completely shot the lights out this week. Stephan on the first day managed a 100 cm GT, two Bumpy’s, and two Moustache Triggerfish – with one measuring 50 cm, a bonefish on the surf of 62 cm and an amazing Indo-Pacific Permit of 70 cm.
Marina matched Stephan’s incredible catch tally, bringing in a bumpy, 55 cm moustache triggerfish and a cheeky GT. The two angler’s doubled up on a 70 cm permit and a 69 cm GT, which makes it one of the most spectacular double-ups landed in the Seychelles!
The first week has set the benchmark for the season and we are so looking forward to exceeding these catch stats each week. The bumpy’s have been good to us, we remain hopeful that they will play ball for the whole season. A huge thanks to our wonderful guests for a fantastic first-week back and we can’t wait to have you back in the Seychelles with us soon. Stay tuned for next week’s fishing report.
Tight lines,
Alphonse Fishing Co. on Farquhar Atoll
Giant Trevally 3
Bonefish 12
Triggerfish 6
Bumphead Parrotfish 7
Indo-Pacific Permit 1
Tight lines,
From Alphonse Fishing Co. on Farquhar Atoll
If you would like to know more about the fantastic fishing opportunities on offer on Farquhar Atoll, you can contact our saltwater fly fishing expert Peter Collingsworth on 01603 407596 or via email at He would love to speak with you.