Water Conditions:
Water Level – Dropping very fast
Weather Conditions:
All beautiful sunny days

Fishing conditions:
In our inaugural week of the 2023 season and the water it’s just a little high, but is dropping super fast.
Some of the anglers came from a combo trip with Marie, and they have also been here before so they know how to put the flies on the right spot.
The legendary jungle Angler John “Lucky”, once again landed a beast, and also our new European friend Ugi went home with monster Arapaima checked on the bucket list.
I am pleased to host one more time the amazing The Fly Shop hosted week led by Mike.
Good job boys, looking forward to seeing you next season.

Fishing stats:
Total number of fish landed in the week – 16
Biggest fish landed in the week by Steve: 177 cm
If you would like to learn how you can join our fantastic Aripaima fly fishing destination you can visit the full tour page here on our website. If you would like to speak to a member of our fly fishing team you can contact them by calling 01603 407596 or by emailing them directly at info@sportquestholdays.com.