Weather: We had a mostly sunny week with a couple of rainy days.
Temperatures between: 27ºC and 39 ºC
River Conditions: River still at a very low level with very shallow waters inside the lagoons.
Fishing Summary:
As the water seems to have stabilized at a low level, the fish became more active resulting in one of the best big fishing weeks of the season. Big Peacock Bass were aggressively attacking both inside the lagoons and sand bars in the river. That allows anglers to both sight fish and use top water flies.
Fishing Stats:
Number of Anglers: 9 anglers
Peacock Bass Caught: 437
Temensis Over 10lbs: 14
Temensis Over 15lbs: 29
Temensis Over 20lbs: 6
Temensis Over 80cm length: 21
Temensis Over 90cm length: 1
Highlights of the week:
We had one of the very best weeks of the season with an incredible number of giant peacocks over 15lbs landed! Vinicius pursued his dream of catching giant Peacock Bass in the remote waters of the Marié River. He was really persistent, fishing all good spots with guides every day. He landed several good fish but one was very special.
The battle was fierce, but when he reeled in the colossal 90cm Peacock Bass, its vibrant colors glistened in the sunlight. Overwhelmed with exhilaration and gratitude, Vinicius released the magnificent fish back into the river, forever cherishing the connection he had formed with the Amazon, a journey of both a dream realized and a newfound reverence for the untouched paradise that is the Marié River.
Rafael Marques and The Marié Guides.
If you would like to learn more about our Rio Marie Lodge tour, you can visit the full tour page here. Alternatively, you can contact our fly fishing expert, Peter Collingsworth, on 01603 407596 or by email at