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Villa Maria Lodge Fishing Report Week 9: 28th – 5th March 2020

Week nine at Villa Maria Lodge is in the books with some amazing fish hitting the banks! If you missed last weeks report from Villa Maria, you can find it here.


We started our 9th week of the season with pleasant weather, clear river conditions and winds coming out of the North and NE depending on the day. In some pool, the winds made things a little tougher than usual.

Sea Trout In a landing Net

A lovely Sea Trout getting a photo shoot before a quick release! 

But that didn’t matter to Ian & Stuart who, in their first session, landed 7 fish including a 21, 18 and 15-pound fish! A fantastic welcome for our Aussie friends who were joining us for the first time. Not to be outdone by their previous day’s performance, Ian landed a beautiful 19 lb hen the next day and Stuart followed him during the last session with another beautiful buck trout just shy of the 20 lb mark.

4 Great Fish From Villa Maria

Paddy, not wanting to lag behind, landed 7 fish in one insane session and hooked more than he could remember. Kudos Paddy!

Bruce & Earl, who also were visiting us for the first time, did a great job learning the ropes around here and ended the week landing some beautiful fish in the high-teens.

Spotty Sea Trout at night

A spotty kyped up male Sea Trout!

Our tackle for the week proved to be the same as the weeks before, and a wide arrange of line-and-tip combinations were used. But, I can say that heavy sink tips were the most successful choice. In the flies department, several different patterns were utilized from tube flies to small Green Machines. Seemingly mirroring the season’s off-and-on pattern of fish activity, there was not a clear winning fly pattern, and we were forced to try several combinations until we found something that the fish liked and took with conviction.

Thankfully, the weather forecasts were not accurate and the heavy rains that were expected for the last few days of the week didn’t show up, and we expect to have similar, favourable fishing conditions for the upcoming week.


Alejandro Martello.

Villa Maria Lodge Head Guide.


Contact us

What a great report from the banks of Villa Maria from Head Guide Alejandro, If you would like to enquire about this destination feel free to contact us on 01603 407596 or click the enquiry button on the tour page to fill out the form and we will contact you.

Tight lines,



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