We are very happy to officially announce our start of the season. We received our first group of international fishermen last week.
We are grateful for keep having your trust and support on this new management. The lodge is looking as good as ever, we made big investments both in infrastructure and on the roads, making sure that service and comfort are well covered.
As some people already know we are experiencing one of the driest summers condition in Patagonia´s history, the river is exceptionally low, hot temperatures, together with long sunny days make finding the window of opportunities for hookups pretty difficult. As usual, low water conditions force us to be as delicate as possible, making our best not to disturb the water and spook fish.

The whole week we saw a lot of big fish coming into the river system, tides were big and it kept pushing fresh fish in. The fishing tackle was mainly floating lines with long leaders and small leeches, nymphs and sunray shadow flies, during the day light. In the night it was all about medium to large leeches.
To ensure we maximised the fishing time we change the program so everytone has a longer rest time at luch, but this alowed us to start the evening session later giving us a good few hours in darknes.Our chefs, Jonny and Maria, delight us with their fine meal, keeping our guests well fed and strong enough to keep pushing session after session.

Our guides, Tobias and Rodrigo, made sure that the fishermen were focused, well equipped, and getting everyday closer to becoming true sea trout hunters.
We are excited to see what this season will bring us, we are very happy to have a solid team that will do their best to keep every guest happy, making sure their expectations are well covered.
Best regards
Nahuel Stauch
World’s End Lodge Manager
If you’ve always dreamt of fishing for some monster Sea Trout, then the famous Worlds End Lodge on the Irigoyen River would be perfect for you. If you’d like to know all the information about the fishing and accommodation, you can contact our fly fishing specialist Peter Collingsworth on 01603 407 596 or email at peter@sportquestholidays.com.