We are excited to kick off a new season here at World’s End Lodge and were thrilled to welcome a fantastic group from the UK.
As with the beginning of every season, we observed new runs of seatrout entering and exiting the first section of the river. Although we didn’t see massive schools of fish, we did experience the first significant runs of the season. Consequently, the activity in the seapool was the highlight of the week, along with excellent Robalo fishing, thanks to the time of year.

Fishing in the river proved challenging as usual, but it produced the largest fish of the week, with a couple nearing 15 pounds.
Floating lines and long leaders were the preferred methods this week. Small nymphs, mini-leeches, and articulated leeches were the top choices for lures.

Water levels were ideal at the beginning of the week due to a couple of rainy days leading up to it. While they dropped throughout the week, they remained in excellent condition.
The weather fluctuated from sunny to cloudy all week. By the end of the week, we experienced significant rainfall that caused a sudden rise in the water levels, making conditions unfishable. Despite losing our last day of fishing, we had a wonderful week with fantastic guests. Irigoyen is arguably one of the most challenging fishing destinations in the world, but it is also a unique place. Catching a big sea trout here will ensure our guests never forget their experience.
Thank you to our guests for visiting us and to Sportquest for continuing to trust us.

If you’ve always dreamt of fishing for some monster Sea Trout, then the famous Worlds End Lodge on the Irigoyen River would be perfect for you. If you’d like to know all the information about the fishing and accommodation, you can contact our fly fishing specialist Peter Collingsworth on 01603 407596 or email at peter@sportquestholidays.com.