The last storm provided relief from the extreme temperatures we were experiencing.
Especially in the first days, the fish were clearly more active.
Excellent sizes Matrinxas could not resist the work of small streamers like Clouser Minnow or Lefty’s Deceiver.
We got the opportunity to fish for silver Pacus that were eating flowers and leaves that came from the trees.
The rubber Pacu also showed their presence by grabbing dries again and fighting those battles that characterize them so much.
Peacock bass and Wolfish were very active also. But these last ones were in a remarkable way. We found them again in pairs or groups at the heads of waterfalls and in the main channel.
We were able to finish our last week of the season with great success.

We had a visit from fishermen from the USA, Poland and Australia. They are a fantastic group who faced the low water conditions without problems with captures and stories that prove it.
We had several Peacock Bass over 60cm and Matrinxas above 45cm.
Mariusz caught a Matrinxa 48cm that give an incredible battle after taking a small Lefty’s deceiver white and blue.
His fishing partner, Marek, also got a similar catch a short distance away. Big Matrinxas were on fire!
After a long trip to the upper river, Tony and Scott had an incredible last day of fishing with multiple catches and excellent sizes. The long trip was more than worth it!
Our Australian friend, Darren, finished his excellent week of fishing with the capture of a 76cm Bicuda on his “last cast”.
We couldn’t finish the last week of the season in a better way.
Congratulations to the fishermen who knew how to overcome extreme situations with technique and good attitude!

Water Conditions:
Water Color – clear
Water Level – low
Weather Conditions:
Temperature – Average 33ºC
Sunny every day with a heavy storm on Saturday night
Fishing stats:
Group: 7 anglers
Total number of fish landed in the week – 120
Biggest fish landed in the week:
Wolf Fish: 86 cm
Peacock Bass: 63 cm
Mantrinxã: 50 cm
Pacu Borracha: 36 cm
Pacu Prata: 35 cm
Bicuda: 70 cm
KENDJAM – Guides Staff
If you fancy doing battle with the hard-fighting species of the Amazon basin, then Kendjam Lodge is a destination for you. If you’d also like any further information, you can contact our fly fishing specialist Peter Collingsworth on 01603 407596 or email at