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The Last Week In Havoysund 2020

Autumn fishing is nearing the end, but there are still plenty of Halibut left around Havøysund. Weather forecasts promised nice weather for the first few days though Sunday seemed to be tough. But we have been fishing and several boats have had good catches!

Halibut on boat

Friday started relatively slowly for most people, as the low pressure has pushed hard against Havøysund in recent days. It just seemed as if the fish were not quite feeding.  In the guide boat, we ran the course for big fish but these were not quite on the game. A few nice rises on the sonar were just about all we saw. There were a few smaller Halibut of about 90 cm (20lb est). Boat 10 hit the jackpot and managed to land the biggest of the day at 158 ​​cm (123lb est)! Patrick and the gang in boat 7 hit a fine amount of fishing just a few steps away from the camp, and landed several fine floods up to 120 cm (50lb est).

Halibut split portrait shot

On Saturday conditions were fine and the weather had stabilized slightly. It was time for a long trip and we gathered early in the morning to set off. I drove Daniel and co in boat 5 and Douglas drove the guide boat. When we arrived at the fishing spot it only took a few minutes before Luke in the Guide boat hooked a Halibut of 102 cm (30lb est)! The tide hadn’t quite started yet and we even had a little trouble getting some good drifts. But when it kicked in it didn’t take long before Mickey landed the day’s first in boat 5. It was only 77 cm (12lb est) but always good to get off the blank! Next operation Danne got to know the Halibut and a rather nice 106 cm (34lb est) gave a really good fight.

Again we started the operation, it took no more than 5 minutes for it to bite again. I could see a huge echo coming up from the bottom and slamming into Daniel’s Coalfish bait. The fight was on and it was right. The fish just slowly went down to the bottom but in the end Daniel got his head up. We caught sight of the fish and saw that it was really nice. Until it was clear again for round 2 of trying to land the fish, this time we could secure the fish and we could measure it to 145 cm (93lb est)! What an awsome nice fish. It wasn’t long after I heard from Douglas that Lars in the Guide boat had landed a really nice Halibut of 155 cm (115lb est) too!

Large Halibut

Anders and the gang in boats 2 and 3 also had great fishing that day, and everyone on each boat was allowed to land their own Halibut. They had gone on a longer trip somewhere else, and had a good amount of fish, with lots of fish between 100-120 cm (28-50lb est), with a nice top of 152 cm (108lb est).


The weather looks promising for tomorrow, and I know that several boats are thinking of embarking on a slightly longer trip. So stay tuned for more…


Tight lines,




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