We started the week by investing in the outside of Å to find the larger shoals of Skrei Cod. Once in place, when we rounded the headland and ventured out into deeper water, we could immediately see an indication on the sonar. Already at the first drift, it was bursting with fish.
After just under an hour of fishing, we had filled up the boat with nice carpet Cod. Next, we started looking for larger individuals and then chose to go further north to a spot that usually has a good size of fish.
Once in place, and after only a short drift, we caught two really nice fish, 18 and 23kg.
Satisfied with the boat full of Skrei Cod, we went back to camp.
Day two Janne joined the guide boat. Everyone in the boat wanted to experience the fantastic Cod fishing again that we had the day before. The course was set to the outside of Å again. Once we got out and sent down our baits, it turns out to be a much larger average weight of all fish. After an hour or so, the boat was full again with big nice Skrei Cod.
In the afternoon there would be a real windy weather. We chose to make two short stops on the way back to camp to test if we could lure some Halibut into the boat. No luck on Halibut this time, but with a full boat with Skrei Cod and a storm on the way in, we went back satisfied to the harbor.

During day three, the storm lingered, which meant that we could not go out to the places we knew were very crowded. The plan was to go inside to see if more fish had come in again. After a couple of hours of searching and no fish on the hook, it was time to go inland again. During the boat trip back, we saw some killer whales just outside the harbor.
Day four, the bad weather remained. We had to re-plan, and chose to go further north to test some places we know Halibut are on. After a drive on the sea we could start fishing.
Almost directly in place we could see climbs up to our baits. Perfect! We have found the Halibut.
We see a climb on Stefan’s rod and the reel starts to creak. Good! Fish on! After some really good rushes, the Halibut comes up to the boat, immediately sees that the hook has not settled properly. So once the fish came up to the surface, the hook came loose.
We continued fishing and had some contacts. But no one wanted to get stuck. At lunchtime, Martina’s roll started to creak properly! Now another Halibut was on! The hook was perfect and we could make a safe landing of the fish.
The fish qualified for 125cm, an incredibly good start for Tina’s first Halibut!
During the fifth day, the aim was for large Cod. The morning was windy and better winds awaited in the afternoon. The course is set on the outside again by the Lofoten again.
The fish remained on the outside, and the Cod fishing was on again. It was an equivalent day as day two. Very good average weight of the fish and that it was constantly nibbling on our jigs, with absolutely fantastic beautiful weather this afternoon fishing, you could not help but go into port with a smile on your face.
During the last day, we had had more taste for Halibut. The weather would be perfect with good conditions for both Skrei Cod and Halibut. We chose to head south in search of Halibut. After a couple of drifts later, we had the first contact. It turned out to be a very large Cod of 127cm!
Out again with new drift, and it did not take long until Alex hooked on a Halibut. While playing the fish, a reel in the stern of the boat starts creaking. Double hookup! Stefan is quick to grab the rod and starts playing the fish. After a short fight with the fishermen, both could be landed. With satisfied faces in the boat, a big Cod and two Halibut, we set sail for land.
The week’s summary has been very variable weather with a lot of wind and snow. But once you get to the outside of Å, you will experience incredibly good fishing for Skrei Cod!
Until next time,
Tight lines from Å,
Marcus, Alexander, Daniel
If you, like many others, have ever dreamt about fishing the prolific waters of Å on the Lofoten Islands and would like to know more information on how you can join us, you can contact our sea fishing specialist, Paul Stevens, on 01603 407596 or email at paul@sportquestholidays.com.