The famous Sette Cama lagoon mouth is renowned for its incredible fishing, especially after heavy rains. During this time, baitfish gather to feed on the tannins in the freshwater flowing into the sea, which draws in the predatory fish. Early in the season, when the rains are still awaited, fishing in the Sette Cama lagoon and mouth can still be fantastic.
At the start of the season, the Sette Cama lagoon mouth is often smaller, and big fish might not enter as they do after rainfall. However, the fishing can still be exciting. During this “pre-season”, mullet migrate along the coast. While not as predictable as fishing directly in the lagoon mouth, being at the right place at the right time can lead to thrilling experiences with predators chasing bait.

We kicked off the season with a group of fly anglers, and they had some incredible catches. Large numbers of tarpon were found, along with impressive snapper and threadfin. A few big kob were also caught, often just a few metres behind the shore break. It was amazing to see tarpon attacking mullet just half a fly line away. NOTE: Keep an eye out for our Fish Of The Week feature for Sette Cama coming later this week where we will go into more detail about this!
A couple guys swapped between lure and fly each day, and managed some really nice jack crevalle, kob, snapper, and a great number of long fin jacks on conventional spinning gear once they were out of reach.

The vast waters of the upper lagoon hold plenty of snapper, which can be caught using micro jigs and small soft plastics. Early in the season is a particularly good time for this. You can catch various snapper species, with many fish reaching double digits in size. Other species like barracuda, grunter, sweetlips, and the mighty sea barbel (machoiron) are also common. The guys had some great fishing on micro jigs landing a number of really nice snapper along with some good jacks on fly!

The group ended their last evening with a bonfire on the beach and a few beers after a week filled with fish and memories that will last forever.
If you’d like to know more about the fish, fishing, and accommodation at Sette Cama in Gabon, you can contact our destination manager Paul Stevens on 01603 407596 or email at, who would love to speak to you.