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Vesteralen, Fishing Report 14th August 2023

There was little doubt about what we should do on the first day of fishing. The weather forecast predicted calm seas and brilliant sunshine. That meant a long trip here in Vesterålen! The fishing was truly as it should be out there; several big cod over 20 kilograms were landed, with a peak at 23 kilograms. Large halibuts were also caught, with several exceeding 140cm and a top catch at 151cm! Ling fish were present as usual. A ling weighing 21 kilograms was caught, which remained the largest catch of the day.

At 7 o’clock, the day after our arrival, all the boats at the camp set course for that area, like a united troop. Already on the first drop, boat 2 reported that they had something massive on the hook that had already snapped the rod. Shortly after, they revealed it was a huge thresher shark that had swallowed the bait, the coalfish. It shot towards the surface and managed to free itself from the hook. Messages quickly came in over the VHF radio about giant fish. Boat 2 landed 4 halibuts in the first few hours, with a peak catch at 151cm and cod weighing up to 20 kilograms!

Jørgen and the guests in his boat landed several large cod with a peak catch at 18 kilograms and a nice halibut measuring 125cm. Jim Cassidy and his buddies also had a fantastic fishing experience in the first hours of their fishing session. They caught several fine cod weighing up to 20 kilograms. After a while, Jim decided to try out some other spots a bit further northwest. They immediately reported that they had hooked a larger halibut. The halibut had dived down four times before they finally managed to bring it up; it was measured at 144cm!

My guests and I also had a fantastic start to the fishing, with some truly big cod over 20 kilograms; the largest was weighed at 23 kilograms! We also caught some substantial ling fish during the fishing session, up to 21 kilograms!

It’s not a given to be able to embark on a trip like this within a week, especially with the sometimes ever-changing weather up here in northern Norway. It felt particularly satisfying after the challenging weather last week. We don’t take any chances when setting out on a journey like this. That’s why we greatly appreciate the opportunities we get to make our way to the legendary Veberget!

All in all, an incredibly great start to the week with plenty of big fish and amazing experiences! There have already been several reports today about more sizable catches, so stay tuned for a new update later this week!

Tight lines// Alexander & Jørgen


If you, like many others, have ever dreamt about fishing the prolific waters of Vesterålen and would like to know more information on how you can join us, you can contact our sea fishing specialist, Paul Stevens, on 01603 407596 or email at


If you're considering one of our fishing or shooting holidays, we'd be delighted to assist. Please complete the enquiry form below, and a member of our team will promptly reach out to guide you through the next steps in planning your perfect getaway.
