Rainbow Trout are a species of Trout that inhabit freshwater areas around the world. These fish are targeted by many anglers who love the fight these fish can give on light tackle. Add to this the stunning colours the Rainbow Trout inhabits then you can see why anglers head out to catch Rainbow Trout and then release them after taking a photograph to showcase the amazing colouration on their flanks.
Species: Rainbow Trout
Also know as: Steelhead, Rainbows
Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus mykiss
Adult Rainbow Trout are generally blue-green or olive green with heavy black spotting over the length of the body and adult fish have a broad reddish stripe along the lateral line. Lake Rainbow Trout are usually more silvery in colour with the reddish stripe almost completely gone

Rainbow Trout reach sizes well over 20lb in weight but the average size you will find is normally around 5lb.
Where to Catch RAINBOW TROUT
Rainbow Trout are an extremely widespread species, inhabiting many of the freshwater lakes and rivers worldwide. These pretty Rainbow Trout can also be found in saltwater estuarys where they migrate to and from the oceans when their spawning migration takes place..
RAINBOW TROUT Fishing Methods
Rainbow Trout are normally targeted by using fly fishing methods. Casting different types of flys to rising fish is an extremely productive method with dry and sinking flys all accounting for many fish. Bait fishing can also be used for Rainbow Trout with baits such as worms or maggots trotted down fast-flowing streams under a float often catching fish.. Spinning with lures including mepps spinners is another great tactic to ensnare Rainbow Trout.
Contact Us
The Rainbow Trout is considered by many to be one of the worlds best looking freshwater fish. Here at Sportquest Holidays, we offer some fantastic opportunities to go after this beautiful species which can be seen on our Youtube. You can contact us via email at peter@sportquestholidays.com or call 01603 407596 today and we’ll make your dream a reality.
Tight lines,